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Emergency numbers

Numbers Description
+2 012-2111-0000 For road rescue on the following travel roads:
  • Cairo - Alex Desert Road
  • Wadi El-Natroun Desert road
  • North coast to Sidi Abd El-Rahman
  • Cairo - New Kattamia - Ein El-Sukhna Road
  • Cairo - Suez
  • Cairo - Ismailia
  • Mehwar 26 July
  • Ring Road "90 KM"
123 Main Ambulance
126 Tourist Police
128 Traffic Police
122 Emergency Police
180 Fire Department
121 Electricity Emergency
129 Natural Gas Emergency
150 Clock
144 International Calls from land lines
177 Land line telephone bills inquiries
16 Land line telephone complaints
+2 2265-5000
+2 2265-3333
Cairo Airport (Terminal 1)
+2 2265-2029
+2 2265-2222
Cairo Airport (Terminal 2)
+2 2575-3555 Railway Information