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General Assemblies

The final decision-making control of Orange Egypt is exercised at the assembly of Orange Egypt shareholders during their general meetings. Orange Egypt General Assembly (general shareholders meeting) shall hold ordinary or extraordinary meetings according to the agenda topics and in light of the provisions of laws and regulations.

The Ordinary General Assembly shall convene at least once annually and shall take charge for:

  • Consideration of accounts, balance sheet, BOD report, and External Auditors report.
  • Declaration of dividend (if any) recommended by the Board.​
  • Dismissal and/or election of Directors and determination of their remuneration and allowances.
  • Dismissal and/or appointment of External Auditors and determination of their fees.
  • Main communication channel between the company and all its stakeholders.
  • Oversee the activities of the BOD and its compliance with its obligations.

Orange Egypt General Assembly is accountable for decisions related to the following issues during its ordinary or extraordinary meetings:

Orange Egypt shareholders are entitled to active participation and effective voting at the General Assembly Meetings and shall be notified of the rules, including voting procedures that govern the meetings.


