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Graduation Projects Data Support

You are interested in Orange as a topic for your graduation project or for your research and require support, please fill in the request for graduation support and we will be glad to support you.

(*) Mandatory Fields

Contact details

Full name *
National ID *
Student ID *
Current mailing address *
Mobile *
Fixed line *
E-mail address *
University *
Faculty *
Academic year *
Gradeof past year *
Type of support *

Purpose of use *

Project title *

Please brief us on your project in approx. 150-200 words,clearly stating objectives and data required

Project objectives *

Team members' data (incase the project/ research involves more than one member)

(*) Mandatory Fields

Name *
National ID *
Student ID *
Address *
Mobile *
Fixed line *
E-mail *
Verification code
Type the word below
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