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Shokran Services

  • Salefny credit
  • Salefny call
  • Salefny Net
  • Stay connected even if your balance is less than EGP 5. Now with Salefny credit service, you can borrow EGP 4 including EGP 1 service fees. You can make calls, send SMS’s or use the internet Pay as you consume package and you can borrow up to 10 times until your next recharge based on your telecom usage behavior.

    How it works:

    • Call 400
    • Dial #444# or #8#
    • My Orange App


    • This service is available to all Prepaid and Control customers
    • If you have been an Orange customer for minimum 3 months, you can borrow EGP 4 including EGP 1 service fees and to borrow up to EGP 30, you have to be an Orange customer for minimum 12 months. The more you consume, the more you can borrow.


    Upon your next recharge, the amount borrowed will be deducted from your balance in addition to the EGP 1 service fees per transaction.

    The added credit rates:

    • Local calls: EGP 0.20 per minute
    • SMS: EGP 0.30 to any local mobile or short number
    • Mobile internet: “Pay as you consume” package price till your next recharge

    Did you know?

    The credit granted has no expiry date.

  • You can still make a call even when you are out of credit, call 400 or #100#, for free, and get a call to any mobile or landline for EGP 0.60 per call.

    How it works:

    You can subscribe through calling 400 or #100# or My Orange app for free

    • Call 400, press 2 for Recharge, credit balance and Shokran services, press 3 for Shokran services, press 1 for Salefny services and then press 2 for Salefny call
    • Dial #100#, press 2 for Shoran services , press 1 for Salefny services and then press 2 for Salefny call


    This service is available to all Prepaid and control customers, when the credit balance is less than EGP 0.19


    • The price is EGP 0.20 per minute with a maximum 5 minutes call
    • Upon your next recharge, the amount borrowed will be deducted from the credit balance

    Did you know?

    Salefny call service has no validity and you will be charged for the call you have made only.

  • Stay always connected even if you are out of Megabytes and your credit balance is EGP 1.74 or lower. With Salefny Net, you can borrow 50MBs valid for 2 days, until your next recharge.

    How to subscribe:

    Call #444# or 400 for free.


    • This service is available to all Prepaid and control customers
    • To borrow, you need to have in your credit balance EGP 1.74 or below


    Upon your next recharge or credit transfer, an amount of EGP 2.5 will be deducted, as service fee for Salefny net.

    Once you settle the amount, you’ll be able to subscribe again to the service.

Stay connected even if you don’t have enough credit to make a call. You can send a missed call to any user for free.

How it works:

Dial the number you would like to reach; and If you have less than the minute fees, you will hear a menu with all the services to choose from then select "Rennelhom" sevice. They will get a missed call from you.


This service is available to all Prepaid & C&C customers.


“You can use renelhom 5 times per day First 2 trials are for free. The other 3 cost 0.5 EGP/trial"

Did you know?

You can send unlimited number of missed calls to any number if you don’t have enough credit to perform a call.

Create a list of your chosen contacts to pay for their calls with you easily. No more hassle for rejecting calls, then calling back.

What features do you get when using the “Pay For My Community” Service?

Consumption Report:

The consumption summary feature allows you to receive SMS with your current, weekly, or monthly consumption for this service.

The limit feature: Allows you to set a monthly limit for this service consumption.

Deposit Feature:

Allows an amount to be deducted from your credit to be used later for this service in case you are out of credit. If you unsubscribe from the service and you have a deposit, it will return to your main account.

Notification Feature:

You will be always notified after any call done by the "Pay for My Community" service

How it works:

To subscribe or manage your white list:

  • Dial #100#
  • Or Send the number that need to be added to white list to 787


All Orange Customers.

Business customers should refer to their contact person.


The service fee is EGP 5 to be renewed automatically every month

Did you know?

You can add up to 10 Orange numbers to your list to pay for their calls to your number.

Save your family from running out of credit on their Orange lines.

You can transfer credit to any Orange customer starting from EGP 1 to EGP 200 when any of your beloved ones run out of credit

How to transfer:

  • Call 400
  • Dial #100#
  • Dial #7#
  • For postpaid customers , the transferred amount will be added to your monthly bill


All Orange customers


A fee of 2% will be deducted from the transferred amount with a minimum fee of EGP 0.30.

Beware of fraud attempts:

Note that you will only receive transfers from Orange and never from a personal number.

If you ever get an SMS from any personal number informing you that you received a credit transfer, then you are asked to return the credit later. Beware that this is a fraud attempt and not an actual transfer.

Did you know?

There is a faster way for any prepaid customer to transfer credit:

Call #101*1*followed by the mobile number*credit*0*#

Do you need to recharge your credit? Now you can send an SMS with a “Please recharge me” notification. You have up to 2 daily free SMS’s to any Orange number.

How it works:

  • To send an Arabic SMS notification, dial the short code #130* followed by the mobile number then #.
  • To send an English SMS notification, dial the short code #131* followed by the mobile number then #.


All prepaid customers.


  • The first two SMS’s per day are free.
  • Any extra SMS to an Orange number will be charged EGP 0.10
  • Any SMS to a non-Orange number will be charged EGP 0.15

Did you know?

You can send “Please recharge me” notification even if your line is in the grace period.

Have to make an urgent call but out of credit? Please Call Me service will back you up. Send an SMS with a Please Call Me notification up to 2 free SMSs daily to any Orange number.

How it works:

  • To send an Arabic SMS notification, call the short code #120* followed by the mobile number then #.
  • To send an English SMS notification, call the short code #121* followed by the mobile number then #.


All Prepaid, Postpaid, Control and Business customers.


  • The first two SMS’s per day are free.
  • Any extra SMS to an Orange number will be charged EGP 0.10
  • Any SMS to a non-Orange number will be charged EGP 0.15

Did you know?

You can still send a "Please call me" notification even if your line is in the grace period.
